Sunday, October 14, 2012

I've been Boo'ed!

This week is fall break. F-I-N-A-LL-Y! lol Actually I have Parent-Teacher conferences Monday and Tuesday evening and then a half day Wednesday. That leaves Thursday and Friday all to me. :) Report cards will be done, planning will be done, (hopefully), and alarms do not have to be set! Score!

Yesterday I got Boo'ed by First Grade and Fearless . Such a cute idea.


Here is a new freebie for you! My firsties are still practicing subtraction and what a fun way to practice this skill!
You can check out my other Halloween ideas here:
This is one of my favorite Halloween books! (It even came with stickers) 
I really want to paint a pumpkin!!

I made these Jack-O-Lantern 'suncatchers' with the kiddos. They look so cook when the sun is streaming in through the window. 

And this week I'll be using this craftivity, from a Cupcake for the Teacher, to go along with my bat unit. (Click the image to check it out)

If you've been booed, copy and paste the above pic and these "rules" into your post.
1.  Give a shout out to the blogger who booed you and link back to their site!
2. Share 3-5 October activities, books, products (yours or someone else),
or freebie(s) that you love!
3.  Share the Boo love with 5 bloggers- make sure you check this link to make sure you don't boo someone again:
And don't forget to tell them that they have been BOOED!
4.  Link up {here} so that others can find you and read about your October ideas!  And while you are there... check out the other great blogs!

I am Boo'ing

The Daily Alphabet

The Teacher Wife


  1. Fall break??? I am sooo jealous!! Enjoy every minute of it!

  2. Hi!!

    We just found your blog bc of your cute Frankenstein! We're your newest followers!

    We're having a giveaway right now. You should stop and enter!

    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

  3. Thanks for the subtraction freebie. My firsties will love it!

    Learning is for Superstars

  4. GREAT ideas! Thanks so much for linking up!!
    Tori's Teacher Tips

  5. Thanks for the freebie! We are practicing subtraction too so this will be perfect practice! I'm your newest follower. Hop on over to my blog if you ever need any ideas!

    For the Love of First Grade

  6. Used your frankenstein math today, LOVE LOVE LOVE and have plans for your bat stuff. Thanks!

  7. I love Fancy Nancy! :) And those pumpkins are amazing. Mine never look that way. lol
    We're your newest follower! YEAH
    Antoinette and Emily

  8. Hey! Thanks so much for the comment-love! Thank you for stopping and by and to my new followers thanks so much. :)

    Oh, and I haven't painted pumpkins yet...if I do I'll post to show how they turn out.

  9. Thanks for joining in the fun! I love the Frankenstein math activity. It is perfect for my firsties and the painted pumpkins are gorgeous!

  10. The link no longer works for the Frankenstein subtraction color worksheet...
